Preserve your wealth by strengthening your tax position! Effective tax planning is essential in order to have a good financial strategy. If you don't plan ahead, you may miss important tax breaks or incur tax liabilities for your estate if you don't make plans by April 1.
The Canadian government demands taxpayers file income taxes by April 30th (June 15th if the taxpayer or their spouse is self-employed). Even if you don't owe any taxes, it's still a promising idea to submit your taxes on time to avoid losing any tax benefits or credits.
Our Tax Experts at Lakha Accountax Services assist individuals with their personal tax forms every year. We give our clients a detailed income tax checklist at the start of the tax season to ensure that all the information required in the tax filing is completed and that any deductions are completely utilized. Our personal taxes include but are not limited to:
Individual income tax and benefits return (T1) services are available to individuals and couples with employment income.
Individual income tax preparation services for self-employed individuals (unincorporated firms)
Income tax services for students
Income tax services for new immigrants to Canada